Monday, July 26, 2010

New Jersey has the most diners in the world and is sometimes referred to as the diner capital of the world.

The state is home to many diner manufacturers and has more diners than any other state: over 600. There are more diners in the state of New Jersey than any other place in the world.
A map of NJ Diners is maintained by this guy:

    "I am maintaining a field checked New Jersey Diner map (July 2008 update). Every blue dot is a diner I got. Every red dot is spot where there is a diner that I have not got -yet. I have made and will continue to make repeat visits, but after the first visit the diner is in the data set.
     Hit if you want to write to me about your Jersey diner experience, tell me your diner history, discuss diner manufacturers, or just talk Jersey diner. If I don't respond in a timely fashion, you can find me in New Jersey, second traffic circle to the left. Look for the neon sign that says, 'DINER.' I'll be at the counter."

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